Best Small Business Loans
If your looking to acquire a business loan then continue reading this article to help you find the best way to obtain a business loan. Your business insurance covers you against the unexpected costs associated with running a business. If you don’t have the right insurance, you could lose your business due to lawsuits, natural catastrophes, or accidents.
BuSiness Loans
What is a Small Business Loan?
Entrepreneurs can use small business loans to help them build, expand or maintain their businesses. You don’t have to go to a bank to get a loan for your business. There are many online lenders that can help you, with less paperwork and quicker approvals.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), estimates that 32.5 million small businesses are located in the United States. Although each business is unique, they all share one thing: the need to finance their businesses.
How to get a Small Business Loan
The requirements for small business loans vary depending on what type of loan you are looking for. The paperwork required for short-term loans is typically less than that for long-term loans. Equipment financing, on the other hand, usually requires less documentation than a line of credit. To increase your chances of approval, it is a good idea still to have certain documents on hand in case they are requested.
Small Business Loan Application Checklist
Once your company is able to take out a loan, it’s time to start the process of gathering the documentation required for your loan application. Although the exact documentation will vary between business funding partners, it will likely include the following documents.
- 2 to 3 years of personal and business tax returns
- Recent profit and loss statement
- Past bank statements
- Recent balance sheet
- Legal filings related to ownership
- Information on existing debts
- Business license (if applicable)
- Business plan
What do Small Business Lenders Look for?
Lenders for small businesses want to see that your credit history and business are stable. To assess your risk as a borrower, lenders will look at a variety of debt, asset and credit factors.
A business that has been in existence for at least two years is generally more stable than one that has just started. Lenders understand this and are more likely to lend to a business with a track record of revenue over two years than one that has had little or no revenue for six months.
Credit scores are a data point that lenders use to assess your reliability as a borrower. For most loans, you will need to have a credit score of 600 or higher. However, some lenders and loan types may allow scores as low at 500.
A cash-flow projection is a way to see when money has been collected, what cash is left and when it goes out. Lenders want to know that the borrower is well-versed in the financial cycle of the business.
If you are unable to make your payments, lenders can legally seize collateral. This includes company buildings, equipment, and accounts receivables. Many business owners use their personal assets, including their homes, as collateral for a loan.
The debt-to-equity ratio (D/E), which measures your company’s debt to equity, is the percentage of your company’s total debt divided by the shareholders’ equity. Based on your existing debt, this metric allows lenders to determine how likely you will be to pay off new debt. High D/E’s can be common in certain industries. However, you should aim to keep your company’s D/E as low as possible.
Your company’s working capital is the amount of money that you have available to finance its day-to-day operations. Your working capital can be calculated by subtracting the debt liabilities of your business within one year from any current assets you have that you can convert into cash.
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Business Consulting
Market Research
Business sales Mergers & Acquisitions
business Valuations
Business financing
What We Can Do For You
Burke Texas Acquisitions is able to perform a formal business appraisal for any business. Our firm is a leading provider of services in the Texas lower mid-market. Our clients are valued between $1 million and $50 million, and come from many industries. Burke Texas Acquisitions has assisted Texas companies in securing financing for all types, including equity financing, mezzanine financing and factoring receivables. We have the expertise to solve any type of financing problem.
Proven success
Our success rate is 90% and we always provide the best value and transition possible for your business.
integrity and trust
We won’t let you down when it comes to selling your business. We always work for your best interests.
Your privacy is important to us. We protect our clients and maintain strict confidentiality.
From Our Founder
Proven Advisory Firm
The chances of closing a successful deal are dramatically increased when you work with qualified, experienced business brokers/advisors. Our business brokerage is a top choice in the Texas area. We have a track record of closing deals. For over a decade our group/partners have closed more than 200 transactions.
Service Packages
- Consulting
- Advising
- Business Planning
- Investments
- Consulting
- Advising
- Business Planning
- Investments
- Consulting
- Advising
- Business Planning
- Investments
Platinum Package (New business complete setup)
Certificate of Formation
Certificate of Filing
Register Agent
Virtual Office with Physical address and Mail forwarding
Vanity 800#
Local number
Complete Website and Email setup
Email Hosting
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
Complete Social Media Package
Graphic Design complete Logo’s and branding
Access to a (30 second promo video @ 1/2 Price)
Federal EIN setup
Texas Reseller Certificate
Required Corporate Documents:
Article of incorporation
(For Company Purchases)
LLC monthly Minutes
Standard By Laws
Employee Contracts
Operating Agreement (Outline)
(1) DBA set up
Dunn & Bradstreet listing
Better Business Bureau listing
plus more…
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(713) 429-1900